On Saturday morning (and by morning I mean around 5am), I managed to get all the papers that are due on the same day done (pending editing), and since I am so hyped about getting the work done I did not sleep and decided to let loose and get my wargaming fix at Knightfall Games around 10.30 and arriving on location at around 11am via the bus.
The day only got better as when I entered the store, they are having a 2k points tournament and everyone but one player is not playing. Apparently they needed a 'ringer' to make all the matches even and not have a match with a 'by'. Unlike most 'by' systems that I know off, apparently having a by in the store means that you have quite a number of disdavantages in terms of points to be earned in the game.Since everyone in the store is playing in the tournament, and being a ringer means that I don't have to worry about winning prizes (in fact I can't to make things fair to those that are already playing the games midway) and stuff and play like there's no tomorrow I decided to jump on the bandwagon. Due to the fact that I did not really think about making a real battle report this time round, I am unable to report in detail about the games and thus I made a very brief summary of the mission and how it went.